A) The effects of varying calcium diffusion rate, pump density, and calcium flux through calcium permeable channels on the GABA/No-GABA specificity ratio are shown to evaluate model robustness to assumptions that may affect calcium dynamics. As in
Figure 7—figure supplement 1, the black vertical bar indicates the original effect of inhibition with unvaried parameters; values <1 mean that inhibition enhances specificity, and smaller values correspond to greater enhancement. The response to fine discretization (timestep of 1 µs, voltage compartment length of 1 micron, six axial calcium diffusion slabs in each spine head and spine neck, and increased radial calcium diffusion shells in the dendritic shaft) is shown to confirm that finer discretization did not change the main result. Facilitated diffusion between spine neck and spine head or dendritic shaft using the geometric-mean method for computing the shared surface area between neck and shaft (
Holmes and Poznanski, 2005) rather than the default smaller of the two surfaces areas, is also shown. Calcium fluxes refer to calcium influx through all calcium permeable channels, and these values were modulated independently of the contribution of these channels to membrane depolarization, to isolate effects mediated by calcium dynamics versus effects mediated by depolarization. (
B) Comparisons of finer discretization to standard discretization are shown for membrane potential transients in the soma (top left) and a stimulated spine (top right), and spine calcium concentration transients in a stimulated spine (bottom left) and non-stimulated spine (bottom right) during synaptic stimulation of clustered, distal spines.