Figure 5.
Stem Cell Signaling Pathways Affect ISC Circadian Clock Activity
(A) Representative confocal z stacks of ClockPER reporter for ISC/EB-specific pathway disruption at CT0. Dl+ and Pros+ are used to mark the ISC versus EE tumors, respectively. ISCs expressing esg in these tumors are outlined, showing the abnormal Dl+ cells caused by signaling pathway activation. CYC RNAi and N RNAi reduce GFP+, while APC RNAi and Yki overexpression increase it. Scale bar represents 10 μm.
(B) Analysis of ClockPER and ClockTIM GFP signals in single Dl+ cells from confocal sections at CT0. Activation of the Wnt or the Hippo pathway raises clock activity, and loss of the N pathway lowers clock activity. Data presented for n ≥ 15 cells in each group, error bars show ±SEM. One-way ANOVA for ClockPER (F = 9.624, p < 0.0001); ClockTIM (F = 12.99, p < 0.0001).
(C) Twenty-four-hour analysis of ClockPER from esg>APC RNAi. Elevated Wnt pathway does not alter the phase of normal circadian clock activity in ISCs (compare with Figure 3D). Data presented for n = 25 cells in each time point, error bars show ±SEM (one-way ANOVA F = 9.153, p < 0.0001).
(D) The same analysis on esg>N RNAi. In this case, clock activity is not only lowered but becomes arrhythmic. Data presented for n = 25 cells in each time point, error bars show ±SEM (one-way ANOVA F = 0.6754, p = 0.5692).