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. 2018 Oct;10(10):5879–5888. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2018.09.100

Table 2. Patients characteristics of patient undergoing VATS anatomical lung resections before and after ERAS implementation.

Variables Controls ERAS P value
Number of patients 50 50
Age median [range] (years) 68 [51–81] 64 [44–87] 0.07
Sex (F/M) 32/18 26/24 0.2
BMI (median) (kg/m2) 23.5 24.9 0.4
ASA, n [%] 0.07
   I 0 0
   II 24 [48] 33 [66]
   III 26 [52] 17 [34]
Co-morbidity, n [%]
   Cardiac diseases 9 [18] 8 [16] 0.4
   Hypertension 27 [54] 19 [38] 0.1
   Smoking 45 [90] 36 [72] 0.02
   COPD 14 [28] 13 [26] 0.8
   Diabetes 7 [14] 8 [16] 0.8
   Renal failure 4 [8] 2 [4] 0.4
   Alcohol abuse 7 [14] 10 [20] 0.4
   Previous malignancy 17 [34] 17 [34] 1
FEV1 (%, mean ± SD) 81±20 92±18 0.005
DLCO (%, mean ± SD) 74±21 76±17 0.7
NSCLC, n [%] 48 [96] 44 [88]
Metastasis, n [%] 2 [4] 6 [12] 0.1
Stage NSCLC, n 0.6
   T1 27 25
   T2 15 14
   T3 6 5
   N0 42 37
   N1 3 3
   N2 3 4
Segmentectomy, n [%] 20 [40] 18 [36] 0.7
Lobectomy, n [%] 30 [60] 32 [64]
Operation time [range] (min) 150 [55–303] 134 [75–285] 0.04

ERAS, enhanced recovery after surgery; VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery; BMI, body mass index; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologist; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; SD, standard deviation.