Results are based on forward simulations involving an annotation
mimicking functional noncoding variants, as well as other annotations (see
text). (a,b) We report the CVE (a) and LFVE/CVE ratio (b) of the
functional noncoding annotation as a function of the mean selection coefficient
for de novo deleterious variants () and the probability of a de
novo variant to be causal (π) for this annotation.
and π values for non-synonymous and
ordinary noncoding annotations are described in the main text. (c)
We report the mean absolute selection coefficient of deleterious variants in the
functional noncoding annotation as a function of and MAF (rare, low-frequency, common).
(d) We report the mean squared per-allele effect size of causal
variants in the functional noncoding annotation (normalized by the mean squared
per-allele effect size of rare causal non-synonymous variants) as a function of
and MAF (rare, low-frequency and common). Red
lines denote the value =−0.003 used to simulate non-synonymous
variants, grey lines denote the value =−0.0001 used to simulate ordinary
noncoding variants (see main text). The value π=48% used in (d) (see
Methods) is denoted via squares in (a) and (b). Numerical results are reported
in Supplementary Table