Electrical Stimulation of ilPFC induces burst firing and attenuates tonic firing in RE neurons. Spontaneously active RE neurons were recorded both before and during electrical stimulation of ilPFC (0.5 hz, 1 mA) via a concentric bipolar stimulating electrode. Several successive trials were performed in each neuron. (a) Schematic of experimental design. (b) Representation of histological placements of stimulating electrodes in recorded animals. (c) Cumulative perievent histogram of firing rate for a subset of trials in all RE neurons recorded (n = 10 trials/cell) demonstrating inhibition immediately following ilPFC stimulation (red dotted line). (d) Cumulative perievent histogram of burst firing plotted from the same traces as in C demonstrating inhibition immediately following ilPFC stimulation (red dotted line), followed by rebound bursting ~0.6sec poststimulation. (e) Perievent raster of 30 successive trials within a single RE neuron. Electrical stimulation of ilPFC (red dotted line) in successive trials gradually converted the firing pattern of this neuron from tonic to burst firing (white vs. light red shaded areas). After 21 trials, the neuron nearly ceased firing (darker red area). n = 8 cells from three animals