Figure 3.
shows four plots that were helpful during task fMRI component classification into signal and noise. Panel A is the correlation between the component timeseries and RVT for the 70 concatenated task sessions that had the top 10% mean correlation between RVT and their parcellated fMRI data. This selects for subjects having both good quality RVT traces and substantial respiratory contamination of their data (see Methods Section #1.6). The line is at r=0.1. Panel B is the difference in component amplitude (standard deviation of the component timeseries) between frames with DVARS dips and those without DVARS dips normalized by the component amplitude across all frames (see Methods Section #1.9), so as to highlight those components that have stronger temporal fluctuations during DVARS dips. The line is at 0.18. Panel C shows the variability of component amplitudes across subjects normalized by the overall amplitude of each component. The line is at 0.15. Panel D shows the difference between the maximum subject’s component amplitude and the next highest subject’s component amplitude normalized by the overall amplitude of each component. This measure highlights those components that are particularly strong in a single subject. The line is at 0.4. The discriminatory thresholds in this figure and in Figure 7 and Supplementary Figure 16 were chosen as described in Methods Section #1.9. Those components above each threshold are numbered on each graph.