Figure 6.
compares the statistical sensitivity (Panels A, B, and C) and mean beta values (Panel D) across contrasts and cleanup approaches. Statistical sensitivity was quantified via the cluster mass using a Z=+/− 5 threshold. Panel A shows the number of contrasts found to have increased cluster mass using a box and whisker plot for sICA+FIX vs Standard, sICA+FIX + tICA vs sICA+FIX, and sICA+FIX + MGTR vs sICA+FIX, and sICA+FIX + tICA vs sICA+FIX + MGTR for 100 random subsets of 28 subjects from the 449 total subjects. Only primary contrasts that are not averages of other primary contrasts and differential contrasts are plotted with no negative duplicates (n=40 contrasts out of the total of 86 released by the HCP). The Gambling REWARD-PUNISH contrast has minimal neural signal (Glasser et al., 2016a) and thus acts as a negative control (golden triangle in (C)). The red line is the median, the edges of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles, the whiskers are at the data point closest to +/− 2.7 standard deviations (the robust range), and the outliers (+’s) are the data points beyond these thresholds. The horizontal black line is at 20 (of 40 total) contrasts improving (50%). Panel B shows the percent change in cluster mass for the tfMRI contrasts for the same comparisons, with a horizontal black line at 0% change (the percent change for each contrast is the average across 100 random subsets and the boxplot shows the distribution across contrasts). Panel C shows a scatter plot of the percent improvement of cluster mass from sICA+FIX over standard processing vs the improvement of sICA+FIX + tICA over sICA+FIX processing. Circles are primary contrasts and triangles are differential contrasts. The colors are the same as used in Figure 4 to represent the different tasks. Panel D shows the spatial means across the entire contrast beta maps for standard processing, sICA+FIX, sICA+FIX + tICA, and sICA+FIX + MGTR.