Figure 5.
The proportion of replication forks travelling towards, rather than away from, the unidirectional origin Ori-H is markedly increased in cells expressing transgenic wild-type Twinkle. Panels 1–4 Restriction digested HEK293T cell DNA separated by 1D-AGE and then subjected to an additional in-gel digestion step with another restriction enzyme, prior to standard 2D-AGE and gel processing. Fork direction is defined as clockwise (c), or anti-clockwise (ac) as indicated on the schematic map (bottom-right). Assignments of the arcs associated with fragment 1 of control cells (no transgene) and cells expressing wild-type Twinkle (Twk) are shown below the gel images; SC – strand coupled, SA – strand asynchronous replication. Twk and Twk-mut2 (D311A) transgenes were induced with 3 ng/mL doxycycline for 72 h. Immediately below each gel image (1–4) the relevant region of mtDNA is represented as a horizontal line, broken at the in-gel digestion site. Arrows above the line indicate the direction of fork travel, the thickness and length of the arrows correspond approximately to the proportion of forks travelling in a particular direction. Black arrows – forks travelling clockwise (towards Ori-H); gray arrows – forks travelling anti-clockwise (away from Ori-H). Black boxes indicate the position of the probes, h2, h4, h5 and h6.