Figure 1.
Bursal B cells rapidly increased at the late embryonic stage in chickens. Bursal cells were taken from chicks aged E13 to 2–6 days old and stained with anti-Bu-1 antibody, which were regarded as bursal B cells. (a) Changes in bursal B cell population at E15, E17, E18, and hatching (H). Numbers in each area indicate the percentage of non-B or B cells in the bursa. (b) The percentage and absolute number of bursal B cells during embryonic and post-hatching stages. Each data point represents the mean value of four to ten chickens. The frequency of B cells in comparison to non-B cells from the spleen (c) and bone marrow (d) at the indicated stage. More than 5 samples per embryonic stage were analyzed, and all results represent at least two independent experiments. Each data point represents the mean of four to ten chickens with SD. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.