Fig. 8. Activation of DNA damage and inflammation in brain cells of mice delivered lower hemi-body and focused mini-beam radiations and their abrogation by concurrent treatment with cfCh inactivating agents.
A Dose-response effect of out-of-field RIBE following lower HBI in brain cells with respect to γH2AX and NFκB. B Graph showing surge of cfCh in circulation at 36 h following lower HBI measured by Cell Death Detection ELISAplus kit wherein results are expressed in terms of absorbance kinetics at 405 nm. C Inhibition of out-of-field RIBE with respect to γH2AX, active Caspase -3, NFκB, and IL-6 by CNPs, DNase I and R-Cu. All animals except the control group received lower HBI (10 Gy) with and without CNPs, DNase I, and R-Cu. D Inhibition of out-of-field RIBE with respect to γH2AX and NFκB. All animals except the control group received focused min-beam radiation (20 Gy) with and without CNPs, DNase I, and R-Cu. The control and irradiated groups comprising five animals each while those receiving radiation plus CNPs, DNase I and R-Cu comprised of three animals each. All histograms depict mean MFI (±S.E.). The groups were compared using Student’s t-test. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001