Protective effect of NT on glutamate excitotoxicity-induced death of PC-12 cells. (a) Dose-dependent cell viability of PC-12 cell following incubation with varying concentrations of glutamate (0, 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mM) for 24 hr. ***p < .001 versus cells untreated with glutamate. (b) Dose-dependent cell viability of PC-12 cell following incubation with varying concentrations of NT (0, 2.5, 5, 50, and 100 µM) for 24 hr. ***p < .001 versus cells untreated with NT. As revealed in (a) and (b), it was determined that the median lethal dose (LD50) of glutamate and maximum allowable concentration of NT are 15 mM and 10 μM, respectively; thus, those concentrations were selected as the optimal doses for evoking glutamate excitotoxicity and applied for all the subsequent in vitro studies. In this regard, each PC-12 cell group treated with vehicle, 15 mM glutamate, or 15 mM glutamate plus 10 μM NT will be referred to as control, GLU, or GLU+NT groups, respectively. (c) Cell viability of control, GLU, and GLU+NT groups tested at 24 hr after the different treatments. All bar graphs represent mean ± standard deviation in at least three independent experiments (n = 8 wells per group). ***p < .001 versus control; ###p < .001 versus GLU group. (d) Representative cell images captured using an inverted microscope for the different groups. Membrane blebbings are depicted with a white arrowhead. Scale bar = 25 μm. GLU = glutamate; NT = nortriptyline.