Fig. 4.
CENP-P-, CENP-K and CENP-M-APEX are organized similarly to APEX-CENP-A. Representative images of chromatin fibers prepared from cells expressing APEX-CENP-P (a), CENP-K (c) or CENPM-APEX (e), stained for CENP-A and biotin. Scale bar: 2.5 μm. Intensity plots for CENP-A and biotin gray values along the length of the fiber (in μm) are shown on the right. For presentation purposes, gray values for CENP-P-biotin were subjected to a twofold increase. Distribution of biotin peaks compared to APEX-CENP-A (mean with SEM), for CENP-P (b), CENP-K (d) and CENP-M (f). Dark gray: percentage of peaks co-localizing with CENP-A, light gray: percentage of peaks not co-localizing with CENP-A inside the CENP-A-bound domain, black: percentage of peaks found outside the CENP-A domain. Not significant FDR adjusted Kolmogorov–Smirnov p values > 0.05 are represented by ns. n = 42 fibers for CENP-A (from four experiments), 16 for CENP-P (from two experiments), 13 for CENP-K (from three experiments) and 10 for CENP-M (from two experiments)