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. 2018 Nov 15;18:1116. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4998-x

Table 2.

Univariate Cox proportional hazard model of overall survival by each variable

Baseline Characteristics HR (95% CI) p-value Chemotherapy HR (95% CI) p-value
Age 0.978 (0.958–1.000) 0.047 Regimen 0.941
Gender 0.111  Platinum + FU 1
 Male 1  Taxane + FU 1.336 (0.643–2.776) 0.437
 Female 1.464 (0.916–2.339)  Platinum + Taxane + FU 1.116 (0.569–2.188) 0.750
cT stage 0.734  Taxane + Platinum 1.003 (0.511–1.969) 0.994
 Serosa negative 1  Others 0.904 (0.354–2.306) 0.832
 Serosa positive 1.107 (0.616–1.988) Best response
cN stage 0.743  Overall 0.201
 N0/N1 1   CR/PR 1
 N2/N3 1.109 (0.597–2.061)   SD/PD 1.359 (0.849–2.175)
Type of distant metastasis 0.065  Local region 0.576
 Peritoneal carcinomatosis 1   CR/PR 1
 Liver metastasis 0.407 (0.166–0.994) 0.049   SD/PD 1.142 (0.717–1.817)
 Distant LN metastasis 1.025 (0.590–1.780) 0.930  Metastatic site 0.013
 Krukenberg tumor 4.423 (1.004–19.487) 0.049   CR/PR 1
 Any combination 0.900 (0.467–1.735) 0.753   SD/PD 2.105 (1.171–3.783)
NLR (Neut/lympho) 1.349 (0.837–2.177) 0.219 Preop. response
SII (PLT*Neut/lympho) 1.252 (0.776–2.019) 0.357  Overall 0.635
Albumin 0.986   CR/PR 1
 low 1   SD/PD 1.119 (0.704–1.777)
 normal 1.006 (0.480–2.108)  Local region 0.875
  CR/PR 1
  SD/PD 0.963 (0.602–1.540)
 Metastatic site 0.020
  CR/PR 1
  SD/PD 1.850 (1.103–3.103)
Number of Cycles of Chemotherapy 0.970 (0.930–1.013) 0.167
  ≤ 6 cycles 1 0.746
  > 6 cycles 0.925 (0.578–1.480)
Pre-Operation HR (95% CI) p-value Surgical Outcomes HR (95% CI) p-value
BMI 0.004 Peritoneal infiltration 0.002
 Normal 1  No 1
 Underweight 3.538 (1.607–7.789) 0.002  Yes 2.181 (1.343–3.540)
 Overweight & obese 1.073 (0.647–1.778) 0.786 Metastasectomy 0.252
Change in CEA level 0.009  No 1
 Stable 1  Yes 1.507 (0.747–3.039)
 Improved 0.410 (0.193–0.868) 0.020 Extent of gastrectomy 0.008
 Worse 4.174 (1.255–13.881) 0.020  TG 1
 NA 0.856 (0.446–1.646) 0.642  DG 0.521 (0.322–0.842)
Change in CA19–9 level 0.399 Extent of LND 0.402
 Stable 1   < D2 1
 Improved 1.020 (0.437–2.381) 0.963   ≥ D2 0.802 (0.480–1.343)
 Worse 0.907 (0.282–2.911) 0.869 Complete Macroscopic Resection < 0.001
 NA 0.580 (0.309–1.089) 0.090  Yes 1
Pre_op cT stage 0.069  No 2.348 (1.471–3.748)
 Serosa negative 1 pT stage 0.002
 Serosa positive 1.537 (0.967–2.444)  Serosa negative (pT1–3) 1
Pre_op cN stage 0.567  Serosa positive (pT4a/b) 2.109 (1.311–3.393)
 N0/N1 1 pN stage 0.121
 N2/N3 1.155 (0.705–1.894)  pN0/N1 1
Time interval to surgery 0.926  pN2/N3 1.480 (0.901–2.430)
  ≤ 24 weeks 1 Lauren classification 0.013
  > 24 weeks 0.926 (0.584–1.468)  Intestinal 1
 Diffuse 1.960 (1.204–3.190) 0.007
 Others 0.867 (0.361–2.079) 0.748
Postoperative chemotherapy 0.172
 No 1
 Yes 1.629 (0.809–3.281)

LN lymph node, NLR neutrophil lymphocyte ratio, SII systematic immune-inflammation index, CR complete response, PR partial response, SD stable disease, PD progressive disease, BMI body mass index, CEA carcinoembryonic antigen, CA19–9 carbohydrate antigen 19–9, TG total gastrectomy, DG distal gastrectomy, LND lymph node dissection, FU fluoropyrimidine

The bold represents statistical significance