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. 2018 Nov 15;18:571. doi: 10.1186/s12879-018-3489-7

Table 3.

NRTIs drug resistance mutations during the second-line antiretroviral treatment

ID NRTI Mutations at different time-points
Baseline Second-line therapy(months)
6 12 18 24 48
1001 M41LM,E44DE,K70KR,L210 W,T215Y K70Q, M184I
1002 None None None None None None
1007 M41 L,D67E,K70R,M184I,T215F,K219Q M41 L,D67E,T215F,K219Q
1013 None None
1022 D67N,K70KR,L74 V,Q151KLMQ,T215IT,K219Q D67N,K70R,L74 V,M184I, K219Q D67N,K70R,L74 V, M184I, K219Q D67N,L74 V, M184I,K219Q D67N,T69NT,L74 V,M184I, K219Q M184 V, K219Q
1026 M41 L,T69D,V118IV, L210 W,T215Y,K219KR None
1027 M41 L,T69ADNT,L74LV,L210 W,T215Y,K219KN M41 L,T69D, L210 W,T215Y M41LM,L210LW, T215DY M41 L,T215Y T69AT,L210LW, T215D None
1028 None None None None None None
1029 None T69NT M41 L,M184 V, L210 W,T215Y
1031 None None None
1032 None None None
1036 None None None None
1045 None None None _ _ None
1049 None None None None
1056 None None None None None
1062 None None None None
1067 None None None
1068 None None None None
1069 M41 L,E44DE,D67N,L74 V,V118IV,M184 V,L210GW,T215Y M41 L,D67N,L74 V,M184 V,L210GW,T215Y
1076 None _ _ T69ST,M184 V M184I
1078 M184MV,T215FIST None
1083 M41 L,D67NS,T69NT,K70R,T215F,K219E M41 L, D67N, K70R, T215F, K219E
1106 T215FL None T215FIST
1126 None None None
1134 None None None None
1135 None None None
1136 T215SY T215Y
1155 M41 L,E44DE,D67N,M184I,L210 W,T215Y,K219KR M41 L,D67N,M184I,L210 W,T215Y None
1161 None None
1165 None None
1169 M41 L,L210LW,T215FY M41 L,L210 W,T215Y L210 W,T215F M41 L,M184 V,L210 W,T215Y None
1170 None None None
1173 None None
1174 T215Y T215Y T215Y None
1175 V75I V75I,T215Y
1181 None None None
1182 None None
1195 M41LM,L210LW,T215Y M41 L,M184 V,T215Y
1196 M41 L,T69P,K70R,L210 W,T215FY,K219E M41 L,T69PS,K70R,M184 V,L210 W,T215Y,K219E
1197 M184 V M41LMV,M184 V, T215Y
1198 T215F M41 L,T215F M41LM,T215FIST None
1199 None None
1202 None None None None
1203 M41 L,E44D,L210 W,T215Y M41 L,E44DE,T69ADNT,V118I,M184 V,L210 W,T215Y
1205 M41 L,E44D,D67N,K70KR,L210 W,T215Y,K219EK M41LM,E44DE,D67DN,K70KR,M184 V,L210 W,T215Y,K219E D67N,K70R,M184 V,L210 W,T215Y,K219E M41 L,D67N,K70R,M184 V,L210 W,T215Y,K219E

NRTIs: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; “—”: No sequence obtained; None: no drug-resistant mutation was detected; Bold font: newly acquired mutation