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. 2018 Nov 15;14:67. doi: 10.1186/s13002-018-0267-y

Table 7.

Informant consensus factor (Fic) across use categories

nur* % ur N n t % taxa F ic #
 Bassila 280 34.57 61 5 35.71 0.99
 South-Borgou 239 29.51 60 4 28.57 0.99
 Zou 291 35.93 97 11 78.57 0.97
 Men 478 59.01 110 14 100 0.97
 Women 332 40.99 108 12 85.71 0.97
Sociolinguistic group
 Adja 70 8.64 20 4 28.57 0.96
 Fon 94 11.6 37 8 57.14 0.92
 Idatcha 60 7.41 20 8 57.14 0.88
 Ifè 74 9.14 20 4 28.57 0.96
 Itcha 92 11.36 21 4 28.57 0.97
 Mahi 90 11.11 20 4 28.57 0.97
 Nago 161 19.88 40 4 28.57 0.98
 Tchabè 1 55 6.79 20 2 14.29 0.98
 Tchabè 2 114 14.07 20 4 28.57 0.97

nur number of use report, ur use report, N number of informants, nt number of taxa, Fic informant consensus factor

*A taxon may be listed in several categories of use

#A high Fic value indicates a high level of agreement among the informants regarding wild spices used for the corresponding use category; a low value indicates a low degree of agreement