a–j, Tet2−/− mice with PMP that are over 20 weeks old, and littermate controls, were treated with and without antibiotics (ABX) for four weeks. a, Numbers of peripheral-blood CD11b+ monocytes (n = 13 mice). Lines connect values obtained from the same mouse sampled before (−) and after (+) ABX treatment. b, c, Representative dot blots and percentage of CD11b+Gr1+ myeloid cells (b) (n = 20 (Tet2+/+, no ABX), 21 (Tet2−/−, no ABX), 6 (Tet2+/+ with ABX) or 14 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice) and LSK cells in the spleen (c) (n = 11 (Tet2+/+, no ABX), 12 (Tet2−/−, no ABX), 6 (Tet2+/+ with ABX) or 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice). d, Representative dot blots and numbers of bone marrow-derived LSK cells (n = 11(Tet2+/+,, no ABX), 13 (Tet2Ȓ/−, no ABX), 6 (Tet2+/+, with ABX) or 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice). e, f, Representative dot blots and numbers of splenic (e) (n = 6 (Tet2+/+, no ABX), 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, no ABX), 5 (Tet2+/+, with ABX) or 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice) and bone marrow-derived (f) LSK gated CD34+Flt3− (Flt3 is also known as CD135) short-term (ST)-HSCs and CD34−Flt3− long-term (LT)-HSCs (n = 6 (Tet2+/+, no ABX), 13 (Tet2Ȓ/−, no ABX), 5 (Tet2+/+, with ABX) or 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice). g, h, Representative dot blots and numbers of splenic (g) (n = 5(Tet2+/+, no ABX), 10 (Tet2Ȓ/−, no ABX), 5 (Tet2+/+, with ABX) or 10 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice) and bone marrow-derived (h) LSK gated CD150+ CD48− cells (n = 5 (Tet2+/+, no ABX), 11 (Tet2Ȓ/−, no ABX), 5 (Tet2+/+, with ABX) or 10 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice). i, j, Representative dot blots and numbers of splenic (i) (n = 6 (Tet2+/+, no ABX), 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, no ABX), 5 (Tet2+/+, with AbX) or 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice) and bone marrow-derived (j) c-Kit+Sca-1− (LK gated) GMP, common myeloid progenitor (CMP) and megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor (MEP) cells (n = 6 (Tet2+/+, no ABX), 13 (Tet2−/−, no ABX), 5 (Tet2+/+, with ABX) or 12 (Tet2Ȓ/−, with ABX) mice). In b–j, centre is mean, one-way ANOVA, Sidak’s post hoc test. Data are representative of at least three independent experiments. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.