Table 1.
General principles of informatics ethics (adopted from the IMIA Code of Ethics for Health Information Professionals[ 58 ]) and their impact on data reuse
Principles | Definitions | Impact on Reuse |
Principle of Information-Privacy and Disposition | The fundamental right of a person to privacy and with it the right to control data about her/himself including the collection, storage, transmission, access, modification, disposition, and most importantly use of the data. |
Principle of Openness | The collection, storage, transmission, access, modification, disposition, and use of a person’s data must be disclosed to the person in an appropriate and timely fashion. |
Principle of Security | Collected data must be protected by all reasonable and appropriate measures against loss, degradation, unauthorized access or destruction, use, manipulation, modification, or transmission. |
Principle of the Least Intrusive Alternative | Any infringement of privacy rights or the individual’s right to control her/his data may only occur in the least intrusive fashion and with a minimum of interference with the rights of the affected person. |
Principle of Accountability | Any infringement of privacy rights or of the individual’s right to control her/his data must be justified to the affected person in a timely manner and in an appropriate fashion. |