Active compounds selectively inhibit group II splicing in vitro. (a) Inhibition of the ai5γ group II intron splicing in the presence of excess of different RNAs: unlabeled SE RNA, intronic domains D1, D3 and D56, yeast U2-U6 hairpin and yeast tRNAPhe. The average and s.e.m. (error bars) are calculated from n=3 independent experiments. (b) Group I intron splicing is unaffected by the most potent inhibitor of group IIB intron splicing 19 (Intronistat B). Representative time courses of Azoarcus pre-tRNA (Ile) group I intron splicing in the absence and in the presence of the inhibitor 19 (Intronistat B) at indicated concentrations. Fraction of precursor was quantified at each time point, plotted vs time and fit to a double-exponential equation to determine the reaction rate constants (1 min−1 for the fast population and 0.02 min−1 for the slow population). Data represent average of n=3 independent experiments, error bars are s.e.m.