(A) Genotyping of C/ebpαf/f and C/ebpαf/fLysM-Cre mice by PCR. Conditional knockout approach: excision through the endogenous promoter lysosome 2-Cre (LysM-Cre). Labels: (WT) wild-type; (f/+) heterozygote; (f/f/Δ) homozygous excision of C/ebpα; and (f/f) C/ebpα gene surrounded by loxp sites. (B, C) Radiographic analysis of male and female mouse femurs of 14-week-old (adult) and 24-week-old (aged) mice (n=60). (D, E) μCT and bone density analysis for both trabecular and cortical bones of 14-week-old male and female mouse femurs. Labels: (BV) bone volume, (TV) total bone volume, (Tb.N) trabecular number, (Tb.Sp) trabecular separation, (Tb.Th) trabecular thickness (n=8). C/ebpαf/f and LysM-Cre were used as control. Results are presented as mean ± SD. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. N.S, not significant.