Figure 2.
Simulations of Endothelial Tube Formation by WT and CCM KD Cells Untreated and Treated with the ROCK Inhibitor H1152
(A) An illustration of the cell model with an ellipsoidal cell body, mechanosensitive lateral protrusion responsible for cell-cell interactions, and downward-directed protrusions responsible for cell-ECM interactions (see also Figures S2–S4).
(B) Simulated cell formations that reproduce experimental patterns of untreated cells in the top row of Figure 1A (see also Figure S5).
(C) Comparison of experimental images (top row) and simulated multicellular formations (bottom row) of H1152-treated cells (see also Figures S6–S8).
(D) Simulated patterns resulted from the same klat and kbott as in B, but with the decreased cytoskeletal stiffness, pulling force, and the range of cell-cell sensing.
(E) Simulated patterns resulting from an adjustment (partial rescue) of only the phenotype-defining parameters klat and kbott.