Figure 5.
Increased corticosterone responses under T7 LD in adrenal ASCre/+::Bmal1Fl/Fl KO mice. PULSAR analysis showed that increased (B) peak corticosterone amplitude, but not (A) peak frequency, occurs under T7 LD compared with T24 LD, resulting in increased (C) total daily corticosterone production. Both (B) peak amplitude and (C) total daily corticosterone increased in KO compared with CTRL mice under T7 LD. Mice were injected with ACTH (0.3 μg, subcutaneously) at the end of the sampling period. Increased corticosterone responsiveness to ACTH was observed in KO mice compared with CTRL mice on (E) T7 LD but not (D) T24 LD. (F) Total corticosterone in response to ACTH [area under the curve (AUC)] was increased in KO mice under T7LD compared with CTRL mice under T7LD and KO mice under T24 LD. Mean ± SEM, n = 5 to 6 mice, *P < 0.05.