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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Nov 19.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2017 Jan 4;29(3):297–315. doi: 10.1123/pes.2016-0143

Table 2.

Population and intervention characteristics for resistance training studies with metabolic outcomes among children and adolescents.

Source Population Intervention Description Freq.
(units vary)
(sets x reps)
Study Length
% Attendance
Ackel-D’ Elia 2014a(2)
Enrolled N=132
Completers N=72
22 M; 50 F
Age: 16.5y mean;15–19y
Brazil, Obese
LPA vs AT vs AT+RT
LPA: recreational team sports (soccer, handball, basketball etc.)
AT: treadmill or cycle-ergometer
RT: Free weights and machines (bench press, leg press, sit-ups, lat pull down, hamstring curls, lower back, military press, calf raise, arm curls, triceps push down)
3 LPA: 60min
AT: 60min
AT+RT: 30min AT; 30min RT
AT: ventilatory threshold I (±4bpm)
AT+RT: 15–20RM; 10–12RM; and 6–8RM
RT:progressed with volume and intensity inversely modified; 3 sets; 1st 2 weeks: 15–20reps, 3 × 6–20 reps thereafter
24 UNK
Analysis limited to completers. Criteria for completion not described.
Benson 2008(6) Enrolled N=78
Completers N=70
46 M; 32 F
Age: 12.2y mean; 10–15 y
New Zealand:
Maori(6%),Pacific (2.6%), Other (5.1%)
Rural; Normal weight to obese
CON vs. RT
RT: Progressive resistance training using free weights and ankle weights (bicep screw curl, triceps extension, one arm dumbbell row, one arm dumbbell front raise, bench press, standing leg abduction, standing leg curl, calf raise, squat, abdominal crunches and reverse crunches)
2 UNK RPE of 15–18; approx.. 80% peak strength 2 × 8
8 77%
Analysis limited to completers.
(loading intensity target attained; mean RPE: 15.6)
Damaso 2014a(8) Enrolled N=139
Completers N=116
57 M; 82 F
Age: 16.9y mean; 15–19y
Brazil; Obese
AT: treadmill running
RT: alternated RT first one day, then AT first the next day. Bench and leg press, sit-ups, lat pull-down, hamstring curls, lower-back, military press, calf raise, arm curls, tricep push downs. UNK equipment.
3 AT: 60min
RT+AT: 30min AT; 30min RT
AT: 50–70% ventilatory threshold I
RT: % 1 RM UNK.
RT:progressed with volume and intensity inversely modified; 3 sets; 1st 2 weeks: 15–20reps, 3 × 6–20 reps thereafter
52 ≥75%
Analysis limited to completers.
Davis 2009(9) Enrolled N=68
Completers N=54
28 M; 26 F
Age: 15.5y mean; 14–18y
USA (Los Angeles, CA); Overweight/ Obese; Latino
CON vs D vs RT+D
D: motivational interviewing, nutrition education classes emphasizing low sugar, high fiber.
RT: free weights and machine weights (leg press, bench press, dead lift, lat pull-down, biceps curl, triceps push-down, leg curl, leg extension, calf raises, and shoulder press)
D: 1
RT: 2
D: 90min
RT: 60min
RT: 62–71% 1RM wks 1–4
74–88% 1RM wks 5–10
92–97% 1RM wks 11–16
RT: Wk 1–4: 1 × 10–15
Wk 5–10: 2 × 3–15
Wk 11–16: 3 × 8–12
16 ≥75% D sessions; ≥88% exercise sessions
Analysis limited to completers.
Davis 2009(10) Enrolled N=50
Completers N=41
0 M; 41 F
Age: 15.2y mean; 14–18y
USA (Los Angeles, CA) Overweight/ Obese
CON vs D vs RT+D vs RT+AT+D
D: culturally tailored motivational interviewing, nutrition education classes emphasizing low sugar, high fiber.
RT: free weights and machine weights (leg press, bench press, dead lift, lat pull-down, biceps curl, triceps push-down, leg curl, leg extension, calf raises, and shoulder press)
RT+AT: one upper and one lower body exercise paired, performed for 1 min without stopping followed by 2 min of cardio exercise on treadmill, elliptical, or aerobics
RT: 2
RT+AT: 2
D: 90min
RT: 60min
RT+AT: 30min RT, 30min AT
RT: 62–71% 1RM wks 1–4
74–88% 1RM wks 5–10
92–97% 1RM wks 11–16
Personalized progressive resistance as strength improved
RT: Wk 1–4: 1 × 10–15
Wk 5–10: 2 × 3–15
Wk 11–16: 3 × 8–12
16 UNK
Analysis limited to completers.
de Piano 2012a(11) N=58
No attrition reported.
27 M; 31 F
Age: 16.5y mean; 15–19y
Brazil; Obese
Blocked by NAFLD
AT vs AT+RT blocked by NAFLD status
AT: treadmill running
RT: alternated RT first one day, then AT first the next day. UNK exercises and equipment, but stated that exercises targeted each of the main muscle groups.
All groups had 1xwk dietetic lessons
3 AT: 60min
AT+RT: 30min AT; 30min RT
AT: ventilatory threshold I (50–70% of VO2 max)
AT+RT: volume and intensity adjusted inversely for RT exercises. % of 1 RM UNK
RT: Introductory period then volume and intensity adjusted inversely, decreasing number of reps to 6–20 for 3 sets
52 UNK
Hasson 2012(16) Enrolled N = 126
Completers N=100
39 M; 61 F
Age: 15.4y mean; 14–18y
USA (Los Angeles, CA); Obese
Latino (n=52)b and African American (n=48)
CON vs D vs RT+D
D: motivational interviewing, nutrition education classes emphasizing low sugar, high fiber
RT: free weights and machine weights (leg press, bench press, dead lift, lat pull-down, biceps curl, triceps push-down, leg curl, leg extension, calf raises, and shoulder press)
D: 1
RT: 2
D: 90min
RT: 60min
RT: Wk 1–4: 62–71% baseline 1RM;
Wk 5–10: 74–88% baseline 1RM;
Wk 11–16: 92–97% baseline 1 RM
RT:Wk 1–4: 1 × 10–15
Wk 5–10: 2 × 3–15
Wk 11–16: 3 × 8–12
16 UNK
Analysis limited to completers.
Kelly 2015(18) Enrolled =32
Completers N=26
26 M; 0 F
Age: 15.4y mean; 14–18y
USA, (Los Angeles, CA) Obese
RT: Compound and isolated upper and lower body exercises. UNK equipment type.
2 60min wk 1–4 “light to moderate”
wk 5–10 “moderate”
wk 11–16 “moderate to high”
wk 1–4: 1 × 10–15
wk 5–10: 2–3 × 13–15
wk 11–16: 3–4 × 8–12
16 89%
Analysis limited to completers.
Lee 2012(21) Enrolled (N=45)
Analyzed ITT (N=45)/ Per protocol analysis (N=42)
45 M; 0 F
15.2y AT; 14.6y RT; 14.8y CON mean; 12–18y all
USA (Pittsburgh, PA); Obese
African American (n=23) and Caucasian (n=22)
CON vs AT vs RT
Weight maintenance diet all groups.
AT: treadmill, elliptical, stationary bikes
RT: whole body exercises with free weights and machines (leg press, leg extension, leg curl, chest press, lat pulldown, seated row, bicep curl, tricep extension)
3 AT: Progressed from 40min to 60min
RT: 60min
AT: 50%of VO2 peak; increasing to 60–75%;
RT: 60% of 1RM
RT: Wk 1–4: 1–2 × 8–12
Wk 4–13: 2×8–12- to fatigue
12 ≥99%
(Session duration AT 57.7 min; RT 59.4min)
153.8 bpm & EE
713.9 kcal/session for AT; RT HR & EE not presented)
Lee 2013(22) Enrolled and Analyzed ITT N=44
Per protocol analysis N=36
0 M; 44 F
14.6y AT; 14.8y RT; 15.0y CON mean; 12–18y all
USA (Pittsburgh, PA); Obese; African American (n=30) and Caucasian (n=14)
CON vs AT vs RT
Weight maintenance diet all groups.
AT: treadmill, eliptical
RT: machine weights leg press, leg extension, leg curl, chest press, lat pulldown, seated row, bicep curl, tricep extension
3 AT: Progressed from 40min to 60min
RT: 60min
AT: 50%of VO2 peak; increasing to 60–75%;

RT: 60% of 1RM
RT: Wk 1–4: 1–2 × 8–12
Wk 4–13: 2×8–12 to fatigue
12 ≥95%
(Session duration AT 56.0 min; RT 57.0min)
153.0 bpm & EE
536.6 kcal/session for AT; RT HR & EE not presented)
Shaibi 2006(33) Enrolled N=28
Completers N=22
22 M; 0 F
15.1y RT; 15.6y CON mean; 14–16y All
USA (Los Angeles, CA);Overweight/ Obese Latino
RT: Progressive RT on free weights and machine weights.
One day of compound lower-body exercises and isolated upper-body exercises and another day of compound upper-body exercises and isolated lower-body exercises
(leg press, bench press, dead lift, lat pull-down, biceps curl, triceps push-down, leg curl, leg extension, and shoulder press)
2 ≤60min Loads adjusted weekly to maintain adequate resistance within repetition ranges Wk 1–4: 1 × 10–15
Wk 5–10: 2 × 3–15
Wk 11–16: 3 × 8–12
16 96%;
(Achieved 62–71% 1RM wks 1–4
74–88% 1RM wks 5–10
92–97% 1RM wks 11–16 relative to baseline)
Sigal 2014 (3, 35) Enrolled and Analyzed ITT N=304
Per-protocol analysis N=144

(24.7% withdrawl)
91 M; 213 F
15.6y mean; 14–18y
Canada (Ontario) Obese or overweight with additional diabetes or cardiovascular risk factor
CON vs AT vs RT vs RT+AT
All groups received diet counseling at 0, 3, and 6 months
AT: treadmill, elliptical, bicycle ergometer
RT: machines and free weights
(bench press, incline bench press, chest fly, incline chest fly, front lateral pull down, seated row, lateral raise, shoulder shrugs, shoulder press, front raise, dumbbell pullover, tricep press, assisted tricep dips, preacher curl, bicep curl, squat, leg press, leg extension, lying knee extensions, leg curl, lunge, straight leg raise, abdominal crunches, sit-ups)
4 AT-progressed to 45min
RT progressed to 45min
RT+AT progressed to 90min
AT: 65 to 85% max HR
RT: 8RM test used to set loads.
RT: Progressive
2×15 to 3 × 8 at max
26 Median: 62% AT; 56%RT; 64% RT+AT
NS btw
groups. Per protocol analysis: completers with ≥70% adherence
Suh 2011 (37) Enrolled/completers N=30
15 M; 15 F
13.1y mean; UNK range (middle school)
Korea; Overweight/Obese
D vs AT+D vs RT+D
D: diet education 2d/wk and daily diet records and weekly review of records by nutritionist
AT: jumping rope, walking or running on a treadmill and stationary cycling, gymnastics
RT: squats, leg extension, lying leg curls, military press, leg press, lateral pulldowns, bench press, crunch, leg raise, and dead lift
D: 2
AT: 40min
RT: 60min
AT:60% VO2max month 1; 65% VO2max month 2; 70%VO2max month 3
RT: 60% 1RM
RT: 2–3 × 10–12
12 100%

The Inter-discipinary Obesity Program of the Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo-UNIFESP project (GEO) has been conducted annually since 2004.


Latino population overlaps with Davis, Obesity, 2009 article; African American population does not overlap.


Compliance with intervention intensity, in addition to attendance, presented if available.

Age is reported as mean ± SD, when available, or the age range of participants included in the study. ITT, intent to treat; LPA, leisure physical activity; AT, aerobic training group; CON, control group; D, diet group; EE, energy expenditure; HR, heart rate; bpm, beats per minute; RPE, rate of perceived exertion; RT, resistance training group; F, female; M, male; NS, not significant; RPE: rate of perceived exertion; NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; UNK, unknown/not reported in the source document.