Fig. 3.
Relationship between parenthood and mothers’ life satisfaction by employment status and experienced work–family conflict (family-to work conflict in the left panel and work-to-family conflict in the right panel). a family-to-work conflict, first child, b family-to-work conflict, second child, c family-to-work conflict, third child, d work-to-family conflict, first child, e work-to-family conflict, second child, f work-to-family conflict, third child. Note The solid black line for the “weak conflict” serves as a reference category for all remaining displayed categories. All the three remaining effects, denoted by the dashed or dotted lines, plotted in black if they are significantly different from the reference at 10 % and in grey otherwise. The marker is filled if the difference between life satisfaction when the child is aged x and life satisfaction before pregnancy is significant and white otherwise. Pregnancy refers to the year before birth. Estimates are controlled for age, partnership status, partner’s labour market status, economic resources, experience of long-term health problems, and educational level