Fig. 5.
Segregation profiles of high- and low-score grids: indicators’ mean values as a function of scale (neighbourhood size). a City average. b Non-European factor: high outliers (grids with factor scores higher than 3sd). c Enclaves factor: high outliers (grids with factor scores higher than 3sd). d Enclaves factor: high outliers (grids with factor scores lower than 3sd). Note Graphs depict segregation profiles, that is, the variation in neighbourhoods’ socioeconomic and migration features as the scale increases. For matters of comparison, a the indicators’ mean values at the city level. b Presents the segregation profiles of high-score grids of the ‘Non-European factor’ (which correspond to the red spots on the maps in Fig. 3). Similarly, c, d present the segregation profiles of high- and low-score grids in the Enclave factor (respectively, the red and blue spots on the maps in Fig. 4).
Source: Census 2011 data; authors calculations