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. 2018 Nov 14;13(11):e0207477. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207477

Table 2. Results for the LMM with correlation coefficients as dependent variable separately for same-sex and mixed-sex scenes.

Same-sex scenes Mixed-sex scenes
Est. SE df t p Est. SE df t p
Intercept 0.16 0.02 122 9.75 < .001* 0.17 0.02 140 8.30 < .001*
Sex of the participant -0.05 0.03 122 -1.69 .094 0.02 0.04 140 0.58 .566
Sex of the face 0.14 0.03 122 4.83 < .001* 0.04 0.04 140 1.14 .255
Relationship status -0.02 0.03 122 -0.75 .458 -0.01 0.04 140 -0.15 .883
Sociosexual orientation (SOI) 0.01 0.01 124 1.28 .202 0.02 0.01 140 1.33 .187
Sex of the participant : Sex of the face -0.20 0.06 122 -3.51 < .001* -0.17 0.07 140 -2.24 .027*
Sex of the participant : Relationship status 0.08 0.06 122 1.29 .201 -0.08 0.08 140 -0.91 .363
Sex of the face : Relationship status 0.05 0.06 122 0.84 .405 -0.08 0.07 140 -1.13 .259
Sex of the participant : SOI 0.01 0.02 124 0.59 .559 0.04 0.03 140 1.47 .143
Sex of the face : SOI 0.03 0.02 124 1.75 .083 0.00 0.02 140 0.13 .898
Relationship status : SOI 0.05 0.02 124 2.15 .034* -0.03 0.03 140 -1.18 .241
Sex of the participant : Sex of the face : Relationship status -0.03 0.11 122 -0.23 .822 -0.06 0.15 140 -0.41 .680
Sex of the participant: Sex of the face : SOI -0.05 0.04 124 -1.20 .231 -0.04 0.05 140 -0.77 .445
Sex of the participant : Relationship status : SOI -0.01 0.04 124 -0.23 .822 0.00 0.06 140 -0.05 .961
Sex of the face : Relationship status : SOI -0.00 0.04 124 -0.08 .933 0.05 0.05 140 1.06 .291
Sex of the participant : Sex of the face : Relationship status : SOI 0.02 0.08 124 0.24 .807 -0.06 0.10 140 -0.59 .559


* p < 0.05

† p < 0.10. SOI: Sociosexual orientation. Contrasts: sex of the participant (women–men); sex of the face (female faces–male faces); relationship status (single–committed).