Mutations of RBP-P Confer Partial Mislocalization of Prolamine and Glutelin mRNAs.
(A) Schematic representation of RBP-P point mutation sites in P1MH, P2MH, and P3MH mutants. A/E, alanine (A) and glutamic acid (E) enrichment in the N-terminal domain; G, glycine (G) enrichment in the C-terminal domain. aa, amino acids.
(B) and (C) Results of in situ RT-PCR to assess the location of prolamine (B) and glutelin (C) mRNAs to subdomains of the cortical-ER in wild-type and RBP-P mutant lines. In situ RT-PCR was performed directly on rice grain sections in the presence of Alexa-488-UTP (green) to label mRNAs. PB-ER was stained using Rhodamine B dye (red). Note that prolamine and glutelin mRNAs are localized to the PB-ER and Cis-ER, respectively, in the wild type. In P1MH and P3MH, the location of both mRNA species is disrupted and instead distributed to both PB-ER and Cis-ER. Bar = 5 µm.