CIKs Physically Interact with BAM1/2 and RPK2.
(A) mbSUS yeast two-hybrid results showing that CIKs interact with BAM1/2 and RPK2. SC, synthetic complete medium; SD, synthetic minimal medium. pMetYC/pX-NubWT, negative control; N-KAT1/KAT1-Cub, positive control. ERL2 was used as a negative control.
(B) BiFC results showing that CIKs interact with BAM1/2 and RPK2 in epidermal cells of tobacco leaves. BRI1-YN/BAK1-YC, positive control; YN/YC, negative control. ERL2 was used as a negative control. Bar = 20 µm.
(C) to (E) Coimmunoprecipitation analyses showing that CIKs interact with BAM1/2 and RPK2 in vivo. Total proteins were extracted from leaves of 3-week-old double transgenic plants expressing GFP-tagged BAMs, RPK2, or FLS2 and CIKs-FLAG. Proteins immunoprecipitated with an α-Flag antibody were analyzed with an α-GFP antibody (IP, α-Flag; IB, α-GFP) or an α-Flag antibody (IP, α-Flag; IB, α-Flag). Protein extracts before immunoprecipitation were analyzed with an α-GFP antibody (IB, α-GFP) or an α-Flag antibody (IB, α-Flag) as input controls. FLS2-GFP CIKs-FLAG double transgenic plants and BAM1-GFP, BAM2-GFP, or RPK2-GFP single transgenic plants were used as negative controls. These experiments were repeated at least three times independently with similar results.