Figure 7.
Impact of Truncated SYT Mutants on TuMV Intercellular Movement.
(A) Expression of SYTAΔC2B:CFP, SYTEΔTMD:CFP, and SYTFΔC2C:CFP in N. benthamiana observed by confocal microscopy with the 10× objective (main panels) and 63× objective (insets) during intercellular TuMV movement.
(B) to (D) pCambiaSYTAΔC2B:CFP (B), pCambiaSYTEΔTMD:CFP (C), and pCambiaSYTFΔC2C:CFP (D) were agroinfiltrated into N. benthamiana leaves 1 d before TuMV/6K2:mCherry//GFP-HDEL agroinoculation. Expression of GFP and mCherry fusions was acquired at 5 dpi by confocal microscopy. Panels are representative images of infection foci corresponding to the median value for the indicated treatments. Data sets for mock and SYT truncated mutants are graphically presented as whisker and box plots. Statistical significance was tested with the nonparametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney two-sample rank test (*P < 0.05). n represents the number of infection foci analyzed.
(E) Viral replication was evaluated by RT-qPCR at 3.25 dpi from N. benthamiana leaves agroinfiltrated with pCambia (Buffer), pCambiaTuMVVNN (VNN), or pCambiaTuMV (TuMV) 1 d after pCambia (Mock), SYTEΔTMD:CFP (left histogram), or pCambiaSYTFΔC2C:CFP (right histogram) infiltration. Error bars show the sd calculated from values obtained in the three biological replicates. Three independent biological repeats were performed for each experiment. Bars = 1 mm in (A) main panels and (B) to (D) and 10 μm (A) insets.