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. 2018 Aug 16;1(2):202–209. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooy034

Table 1.

The population breakdown and percentages across the different factors with in each variable for the study populations

Variable Factor Q. Sent (%) (n = 79 834) Responded (%) (n = 25 768)
Gender Female 52 129 (65.3) 16 591 (64.4)
Male 27 705 (34.7) 9177 (35.6)
Age 18–35 21 249 (26.6) 4437 (17.2)
36–50 19 091 (23.9) 5637 (21.9)
51–65 22 477 (28.2) 8849 (34.3)
>65 17 017 (21.3) 6845 (26.6)
Race White 61 448 (77) 21 882 (84.9)
African American 14 336 (18) 2842 (11)
American Indian 121 (0.2) 29 (0.1)
Asian 853 (1.1) 202 (0.8)
Other 1874 (2.3) 441 (1.7)
Unknown 1202 (1.5) 372 (1.4)
Ethnicity Non-Hispanic 74 762 (93.6) 24 523 (95.2)
Hispanic 889 (1.1) 225 (0.9)
Unknown 4183 (5.2) 1020 (4)
Marital status Married or significant other 5086 (6.4) 1743 (6.8)
Divorced or separated 48 193 (60.4) 17 532 (68)
Single 22 315 (28) 5301 (20.6)
Widowed 2497 (3.1) 787 (3.1)
Unknown 1743 (2.2) 405 (1.6)
Payer category Private or commercial 46 176 (57.8) 14 793 (57.4)
Medicaid 5154 (6.5) 902 (3.5)
Medicare 21 973 (27.5) 8556 (33.2)
Military or Other Gov. 2258 (2.8) 706 (2.7)
Self-pay 4273 (5.4) 811 (3.1)
CCI C_0 40 963 (51.3) 11 564 (44.9)
C_1 15 004 (18.8) 5104 (19.8)
C_2–3 12 661 (15.9) 4858 (18.9)
C_4–7 6011 (7.5) 2214 (8.6)
C_8+ 5195 (6.5) 2028 (7.9)

χ2 test P-values <0.001 for all variables.

Abbreviations: Q. Sent: number of individuals who were invited to participate in the questionnaire via the portal; Responded; number of individuals who responded to the questionnaire; CCI: Charlson Comorbidity Index: C_0: CCI = 0; C_1: CCI = 1; C_2–3: CCI = 2 or 3; C_4–7: CCI between 4 and 7 inclusive; C_8+: CCI 8 or more.