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. 2017 Dec 21;8(2):502–514. doi: 10.4338/ACI-2016-08-RA-0137

Table 2.

Usability satisfaction questionnaire and answers from all 258 physicians who responded

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Mean
Experience with the system
E1– I am an experienced user of the clinical notes application 5 8 26 125 94 4.1
E2– I am experienced with the possibilities of recording progress notes 6 7 19 133 93 4.2
U1– Overall, I am satisfied with how easy it is to use this system 13 47 72 115 11 3.2
U2– It is simple to use this system 3 13 32 183 27 3.8
U3– I can effectively complete my work using this system 16 49 70 111 12 3.2
U4– I am able to complete my work quickly using this system 8 22 33 162 33 3.7
U5– I am able to efficiently complete my work using this system 11 52 71 109 15 3.3
U6– I feel comfortable using this system 6 30 81 126 15 3.4
U7– It was easy to learn to use this system 3 15 76 143 21 3.6
Mean usefulness score 9 33 62 136 19 3.5
Quality (interface and quality)
Q1– Whenever I make a mistake using the system, I can fix it easily 7 41 44 145 21 3.5
Q2– It is easy to find the information I need 50 99 69 37 3 2.4
Q3– The organization of information on the screens is clear 34 105 72 39 8 2.5
Q4– This system has all the functions and capabilities I expect it to have 23 103 87 41 4 2.6
Mean quality score 29 87 68 66 9 2.8
Overall satisfaction
O1– Overall, I am satisfied with this system 19 70 94 67 8 2.9
Overall usability satisfaction score 16 55 67 106 15 3.2