Fig. 1.
G9a/Glp inhibition drives cells towards the TPC phenotype. a Scatter plot of fold change in median fluorescence of drug-screened CK1750 cells labeled with fluorescent anti-CD24 and anti-Sca-1 antibodies. Each point represents an individual compound, red = UNC0638, blue = other compounds. b Representative (n = 5) FACS histogram of Sca-1 fluorescence of lung adenocarcinoma cells following 96 h. treatment with 1 µM UNC0638 or vehicle control, gated for live single cells. c qPCR of Sca-1 mRNA normalized to Gapdh from adenocarcinoma cells following 96 h. treatment with 1 µM UNC0638 or vehicle control. Error bars denote standard deviation. *P < 0.05, t test, n = 3. d Bar chart of % of cells forming organoids 10 days after 1000 adenocarcinoma cells were plated in 3D culture with 1 µM UNC0638 or DMSO following 96 h. pre-treatment with UNC0638 or DMSO control. Error bars denote standard deviation. *P < 0.05, t test, n = 3. e Representative bar chart of % of cells forming organoids 10 days after 5000 single cells isolated from a primary adenocarcinoma were plated in 3D culture with 1 µM UNC0638 or DMSO. Error bars denote standard deviation. *P < 0.05, t test, n = 3 technical replicates. f Experimental design of G9ai in intravenous transplantation assay, and table of tumor incidence in recipients of UNC0638-treated or DMSO-treated adenocarcinoma cells by intravenous injection. *P < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test. g Bar chart of mRNA abundance of G9a and Glp normalized to β-Actin in Sca-1+ cells (TPCs) relative to Sca-1− cells (non-TPCs) from FACS-sorted primary adenocarcinomas, gated for single, live, CD31−, CD45− cells. Error bars denote standard deviation. *P < 0.05, t test, n = 3. h Representative (n = 3) images of isolated lung adenocarcinoma cells sorted by CD24 and Sca-1, gated for live, single, CD31−, CD45−, Epcam+ cells after cytospin and immunostained for the indicated markers. Scale bar = 20 µm. i Quantification of H3K9me2 and Sca-1 immunostaining of isolated lung adenocarcinoma cells sorted by CD24 and Sca-1, gated for live, single CD31−, CD45−, Epcam+ cells. Error bars denote standard deviation. *P < 0.05, t test, n = 3