Fig. 3.
RLP44 interacts with PSKR1 to promote PSK signaling and procambial identity. (A) Coimmunoprecipitation after transient expression in N. benthamiana leaves demonstrates the presence of RLP44-RFP in PSKR1-GFP immunoprecipitates. (B) FRET-FLIM analysis of the PSKR1-GFP/RLP44-RFP interaction in N. benthamiana leaves. Bars denote average of seven to eight measurements ±SD. Asterisks indicate statistically significant difference from PSKR1-GFP and PSKR1-GFP coexpressed with FLS2-RFP according to pairwise t test (***P < 0.001). (C) Quantification of metaxylem cell number in Col-0 and PSK-signaling–related mutants. (D) Application of PSK peptide rescues the ectopic xylem phenotype of rlp44 mutants. Asterisks in C and D indicate statistically significant difference from Col-0 based on Dunn’s post hoc test with Benjamini–Hochberg correction after Kruskal–Wallis modified U test (*P < 0.05).