Electrochemical fabrication of the nanopore–FET
using real-time ionic current feedback. (A) Schematic of a bipotentiostatic
configuration used to deposit and monitor gold deposition. The carbon
nanoelectrode was used as a working electrode for the electrodeposition
of gold (WEdeposition). To monitor the electrodeposition
of gold around nanopore, another working electrode (WEfeedback) was inserted into the open barrel filled with 52 mM (NH4)2SO3 and used for real-time feedback. All
potentials quoted are relative to a quasi-reference counter electrode
(QRCE) placed in the plating bath filled with a 10 times diluted ECF64
gold plating solution. Potentials applied to the working electrodes
were Vdeposition = −0.73 V, Vfeedback = −0.1 V. (B) To electrochemically
characterize the gate electrode, cyclic voltammograms were recorded
before (black) and after (orange) electrodeposition of gold, in the
presence of 1 mM Ru(NH3)6Cl3 and
100 mM KCl, revealing an enhancement in the active electrode area
after gold deposition. The inset confirms the formation of a carbon
nanoelectrode on the tip of double-barrel nanopipettes. (C) Transmission
electron microscopy micrograph showing the deposition of gold at the
tip of the nanopipette and around the nanopore. d is the diameter
of the nanopore. (D) Both the feedback current in the nanopore and
the amount of gold deposited could be monitored in real time. (E)
Ionic current feedback could be stopped at a given threshold to (F)
control the pore conductance. This is shown for three threshold currents
of −1.5, −1, and −0.5 nA, giving final pore conductances
of 7.2 ± 1.4, 3.5 ± 1.9, and 2.0 ± 0.4 nS, respectively,
as revealed by I–V characterization
and histograms of nanopore conductance before and after feedback-controlled
deposition of gold. The average pore conductance before gold deposition
was 17.3 ± 6.4 nS (N = 90).