Figure 3.
Excitability changes of DRG neurons by soma stimulation. (a) The current threshold was defined as the minimum current required to evoke an AP by intracellular current injection (20 ms) at the soma. Excitability of the DRG somata was significantly increased in NEP and CIP model rats, as indicated by the decreased activation threshold in CUT and MS neurons. (b) A comparison of the repetitive discharge characteristic of DRG cells produced by intracellular current injection. Columns indicate the number of APs evoked by 2 nA, 100 ms intracellular depolarizing current injection in different groups. MS neurons in the NEP and CIP models showed a significantly increased number of APs. (c-e) Representative examples of raw recordings to demonstrate the greater number of APs evoked by intracellular current injection in MS neurons in control (c) versus NEP (d) and CIP model rats (e), arrows indicate the time of stimulation. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; Kruskal–Wallis tests with post hoc Dunn’s multiple comparison tests were used to compare SD rat groups. Other abbreviations are as indicated in Figure 1.