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. 2018 Feb 27;25(6):308–316. doi: 10.1159/000487156

Table 2.

EFSUMB minimum ultrasound training requirements for level 1 gastroenterological ultrasound practitioners

Knowledge base Physics and technology, ultrasound techniques and administration
Sectional and ultrasonic anatomy Liver
Bile ducts
Kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands
Other structures (uterus, ovaries, lymph nodes, vessels, hollow digestive tube)

Pathology in relation to ultrasound Liver: cysts, benign and malignant tumours, metastatic disease, fatty change, cirrhosis
Biliary system: gallbladder stones, acute and chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder tumours, bile duct obstruction, including level of obstruction, intrahepatic duct gas and stones
Pancreas: pancreatitis (acute and chronic), duct stones, duct dilatation, pancreatic tumours
Portal venous system and spleen: splenic enlargement, portal venous distension, varices, thrombosis, ascites and loculated fluid collections
Kidneys: size, hydronephrosis and masses
Other structures: gastrointestinal masses and masses of gynaecological origin including cysts, tumours, fibroids and unexpected pregnancy

Liver - to be able to: Perform a thorough ultrasound examination of the liver in different scan planes
Recognise normal hepatic anatomy and variants
Recognise normal and abnormal liver texture, such as fatty change and anatomical variants
Recognise focal lesions and be able to determine those requiring further investigation
Recognise normal hepatic and portal venous anatomy within the liver
Perform ultrasound controlled biopsy for the evaluation of parenchymal liver disease

Gallbladder and bile ducts - to be able to: Perform a thorough evaluation of the biliary system
Recognise normal ultrasonic anatomy of the biliary system and its frequent normal variants
Recognise abnormalities of the gallbladder wall
Recognise gallbladder stones
Be able to assess bile duct dilatation at intra- and extrahepatic levels

Pancreas - to be able to: Perform a thorough examination of the pancreas
Recognise the limitations of pancreatic ultrasound because of bowel gas
Recognise solid and cystic tumours within the head and body of the pancreas
Recognise the changes seen in pancreatitis (acute and chronic)
Recognise pancreatic duct dilatation and pancreatic duct stones

Portal venous system and spleen - to be able to: Evaluate the size of the spleen and recognise focal lesions
Evaluate the portal vein and its diameter and the presence of portal venous thrombosis

Other - to be able to: Recognise abdominal aortic aneurysm
Recognise hydronephrosis and other renal abnormalities
Recognise free and loculated fluid collections
Recognise lymphadenopathy
Recognise gynaecological and other pelvic abnormalities

Bowel - to be able to: Recognise normal stomach, small and large bowel
Recognise focal intestinal abnormalities and understand the principles of further investigation
Recognise intestinal obstruction

EFSUMB, European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.