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. 2018 Nov 20;1:200. doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0205-5

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Syllable-tracking units provide the highest information in terms of spiking rate. a Representation of the main neuronal codes used in the study: a rate code (Irate), determined by the neuronal spiking; a phase code (Iphase), determined by binned phases of the LFP; and a rate-phase code (Irate_phase), which combines both of the above. b Information in the rate code of the three neuronal groups (STs, BTs, and NTs; represented in blue, red, and black, respectively). Significance was assessed after FDR-corrected Wilcoxon ranksum tests. Note that ST units were the most informative in terms of firing-rate (pcorr < 2.6 × 10−5). c Significance matrixes showing the results of statistically comparing Irate for each neuronal group, across sequences. Conventions as defined in Fig. 3f. Briefly, cell (i,j) in a matrix represents the p-value of comparing Irate in response to sequences i and j, respectively. For example, in the leftmost matrix the star in cell (1, 2) indicates that Irate in ST units significantly differed in response to seq1 and seq2. Note that the matrixes are symmetrical along the diagonal (red dashed line). (*pcorr < 0.05; **pcorr < 0.01; ***pcorr < 0.001)