Viral load on ART
CD4+ count
Syphilis and hepatitis B serology
Syndromic screening for other STIs or †hepatitis A, B and C serology, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, trichomonas, HSV-2 screening
Haemoglobin or †full blood count
Visual inspection of the cervix and pap smear/VIA in absence of documented normal result in the previous 12 months and/or †HPV screening
Non-communicable diseases screen (hypertension, diabetes, weight review, †cholesterol)
†CMV, rubella, toxoplasmosis
†If infertility suspected or no pregnancy after six months, refer for fertility assessment
Viral load on ART
CD4+ count
Syphilis and hepatitis B serology
Syndromic screening for other STIs or †hepatitis A, B and C, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, trichomonas, HSV-2 screening
Non-communicable diseases screen (hypertension, diabetes, weight review, †cholesterol)
†If difficulty conceiving: refer for semen analysis and fertility assessment