Fig. 3.
Protection profile of optimal daily UVR protection versus other day creams or sunscreens (all SPF 15), with various UVA1-PF, corresponding to various CW. Red line: day cream focused on UVB protection; yellow line: sunscreen with CW 360 nm; purple line: sunscreen with CW 370 nm; light blue line: optimal daily UV protection CW 380 nm; dark blue line: ideal sunscreen profile (protection by clothing and garments). Numbers in boxes stand for UVA1-PF. Logos stand for various UVA standards depending on countries [US FDA: US standards (CW = 370 nm only); EU: Europe (CW ≥ 370 nm and UVA-PF:SPF ratio > 0.33); AUS: transmission < 10% (320–360 nm); UK: United Kingdom (CW ≥ 370 nm and Boots 5-star rating UVA/UVB ≥ 0.9)]. Adapted from Osterwalder et al. [32] with permission. AUS Australia, CW critical wavelengths, EU European Union, FDA Food and Drug Administration, SPF sun protection factor, UV ultraviolet, UVA-PF ultraviolet A protection factor, UVA1-PF ultraviolet A1 protection factor, UVR ultraviolet radiation