Fig. 2.
Effects of age and posture on the time course of H reflex in the right soleus muscle in sitting (open symbols) and standing (filled symbols) in younger (a, n = 11), middle-aged (b, n = 10), and older adults (c, n = 11, group by posture by time bin interaction, p = 0.818). The H reflex, measured during self-perturbation produced by swinging the right arm from vertical to horizontal, is expressed relative to the size of the control H reflex recorded in trials without a self-perturbation in the two postures. Values above and below the horizontal line, respectively, correspond to a facilitation and inhibition of the H reflex relative to control. The vertical arrow denotes time 0, the onset of the right anterior deltoid EMG activity. The dash-lined boxes denote the group (young, middle-aged, old) by posture (sitting, standing) interaction (*p = 0.002)