Fig. 3.
A simple switch turned into an oscillator. a The Two Intermediates (TI) system, that is behaving like a switch and emulating the behaviour of AM. b The Spontaneous Oscillator (SO) system is derived from TI and functions as robust oscillator. Solid arrows represent catalytic transitions with ball end arrows showing the activator of transitions, grey empty arrows represent first order conversions. c Representation of the KaiABC system of the cyanobacteria circadian clock (Loza-Correa et al. 2010), where KaiC hexamers are helped to convert themselves between forms that are phosphorylated an unphosphorylated at two critical sites (labelled T and S). KaiA (blue triangle) facilitates the phosphorylation reactions, while KaiB (yellow rod) helps the dephosphorylation reactions. (Color figure online)