Fig. 2.
Vesicle transport in chloroplasts. The chloroplast is surrounded by the outer envelope (OE) and inner envelope (IE) membrane, where the latter act as donor membrane for vesicles. The thylakoid membranes consist of grana lamellae and stroma lamellae, and are the target membrane of vesicles. The vesicle process from initiation at the donor membrane to the fusing step at the target membrane is shown. The vesicle is initiated (1) and buds of (2) from the inner envelope where CPSAR1, FZL, THF1, and VIPP1 are found. The vesicle then moves through the stroma (3) where CPRabA5e, CPSAR1 and THF1 are located. Finally, the vesicle gets tethered (4) and fused to the target membrane (5) where CPRabA5e, CURT1, FZL, SCO2, THF1 and VIPP1 are placed