(A) SIV-infected cells in follicle (F) cortex (C), paracortex (P) and medulla (M) of lymph nodes of neonatal macaques post SIV infection, as demonstrated by SIV RNA in situ hybridization. Levels of plasma viral load (B) and SIV p27 antigen (C) in infants infected with SIV either at birth (n=28), 4-months of age (n=6), or adults (n=12). Note viral loads do not reach a “peak” in infants infected at birth and demonstrate sustained high levels. In contrast, macaques infected at 4 months of age showed declines in viremia after 14 days, and had set points similar to adult infection. *,#
p<0.05, compared with SIV naïve newborn (*) or 4-month age/adults (#). (D) Levels of proviral DNA and SIV RNA in sorted GC Tfh cells at day 21 post SIV infection were from the infants at birth (gray bars) or adult (black bars) infected by SIV.