Author response image 1. A slower rate of bi-allelic activation does not significantly improve model fit in the parallel trans-cis model.
A) Diagram showing parallel trans-cis model shown in main text (left), and variant parallel trans-cis model with a slower rate of activation of the second Bcl11b allele (right). B) Best fits of cis-only (gray) sequential trans-cis (black), parallel trans-cis (green), and variant parallel trans-cis (blue) models to time evolution of the fraction of Bcl11b mono and bi-allelic expressing populations. See Figure 4 legend and text for description of fitting procedures. C) Bar chart showing the chi-squared value for the best fit for the four models, showing that variant parallel trans-cis model (forth column) does not significantly reduced chi-squared value compared to the simpler parallel trans-cis model (third column).