Stable eRMS (Rh18) and aRMS (Rh30) cells were pre-treated and maintained with 30 µg/mL cumate to induce PANX1 expression and 3D spheroid formation was monitored over 210 h. Representative images taken at 48 and 210 h clearly show that over-expression of PANX1 prevented eRMS (Rh18) (a) and aRMS (Rh30) (b) spheroid formation. Mean image fluorescence (MIF), a surrogate measurement for spheroid size, was measured over time for both eRMS (Rh18) (c) and aRMS (Rh30) (d) cells. A.U. arbitrary units. Bars = 1000 µm. The viability of stable eRMS (Rh18) (e; left panel) and aRMS (Rh30) (f; left panel) cells grown in suspension on agar for 10 days in the absence or presence of cumate was assessed every 2 days. Viable cell counts showed a significantly reduced number of viable cells within cumate-induced PANX1 RMS spheroids. ***P < 0.001 compared to untreated GFP cells, GFP cells treated with cumate, and untreated PANX1 cells. After being grown in suspension for 4 days, live (Annexin V−, 7-AAD−), early apoptotic (Annexin V+, 7-AAD-), late apoptotic (Annexin V+, 7-AAD+) and necrotic (Annexin V−, 7-AAD+) cell populations were quantified as percentages of the total cell population and revealed a significant increase in apoptotic cell populations within PANX1 over-expressing eRMS (Rh18) (e; right panel) and aRMS (Rh30) (f; right panel) spheroids. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01 compared to respective control cells expressing GFP. Results are expressed as mean ± s.d. In the spheroid regression assay, stable eRMS (Rh18) and aRMS (Rh30) cells were first allowed to form spheroids for 48 h before being treated with cumate to induce PANX1 expression. Spheroid growth was monitored for a total of 210 h. While the mean image fluorescence (MIF) of control stable eRMS (Rh18) (g) and aRMS (Rh30) (h) spheroids progressively increased over time, a continuous and significant decrease of MIF was measured upon PANX1 expression. ***P < 0.001 compared to untreated GFP cells, GFP cells treated with cumate, and untreated PANX1 cells. Results are expressed as mean ± s.d. A.U. arbitrary units. Bars = 1000 µm