Fig. 1.
Histamine depolarizes GABAergic VP neurons. A Diagram and a coronal brain section showing the location of the VP and GABAergic neurons in the VP ~ 15 μm in diameter (aca, anterior commissure, anterior part; VP, ventral pallidum). B Identification of a GABAergic VP neuron by immunostaining the recorded biocytin-filled neuron with GABA. C A series of 1-s hyperpolarizing voltage steps (from −60 to −110 mV in 10-mV steps) was used to measure inwardly-rectifying currents in the recorded neurons. Note that GABAergic VP neurons exhibited Ih currents. D Histamine depolarized and evoked firing of a GABAergic VP neuron. E Histamine increased the firing response to a 1-s suprathreshold current of 200 pA.