Figure 5 |. The role of PISD in mechanism of action of LACTB.
a, Western blot analysis of fractionated MCF7-RAS cells and MCF7-RAS–Tet/ON-LACTB-expressing cells after 24 h of DOX treatment. Cyt., cytosolic fraction; Mito., mitochondrial fraction. This membrane was also used in Extended Data Fig. 7e. The signal for the control antibodies is shared between these both Figures. b, Conversion of PS to PE in MCF7-RAS and MCF7-RAS–Tet/ON-LACTB cells treated with DOX for 48 h. The experiment was performed in triplicate. Data are mean ± s.e.m. ***P< 0.001. c, Fluorescent absorbance monitored over time as a measurement of active peptidase activity of LACTB. RFU, relative fluorescence units. d, Western blot analysis of PISD levels in mitochondria isolated from a panel of control and Tet/ON-LACTB non-tumorigenic (HME and MCF10A) and tumorigenic cell lines (all others) after addition of DOX for 24 h.