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. 2018 Nov 6;20(11):e270. doi: 10.2196/jmir.9366

Table 2.

Methods for exploring seasonality with Google Trends in health assessment.

Number Authors Method Description
1 Bakker et al, 2016 [96] Morlet Wavelet Analysis To test the seasonality of Google Trends data in the examined countries
2 Braun and Harreus, 2013 [104] Visual evidence N/Aa
3 Crowson et al, 2016 [93] Seasonal peaks N/A
4 Deiner et al, 2016 [70] Spearman correlation Correlating the seasonality of clinical diagnoses with Google Trends data
5 El-Sheikha, 2015 [113] Kruskal-Wallis test To show seasonality for different months
6 Garrison et al, 2015 [116] Least-squares sinusoidal model Variability in outcomes (supported also from a comparison with searches in Australia)
7 Harsha et al, 2014 [68] Kruskal-Wallis test Seasonal (monthly) comparisons
8 Harsha et al, 2015 [119] Kruskal-Wallis test Seasonal (monthly) comparisons
9 Hassid et al, 2016 [120] Pearson correlation To examine seasonal variations across symptoms
10 Ingram and Plante, 2013 [122] Cosinor analysis; analysis of variance To test the seasonal variation of the normalized Google Trends data; to compare the seasonal increase among the examined countries
11 Ingram et al, 2015 [69] Cosinor analysis To test the seasonal variation of the normalized Google Trends data
12 Kang et al, 2015 [72] Visual observation N/A
13 Leffler et al, 2010 [125] Correlations Showing correlations among the 4 seasons for the 39 examined terms
14 Liu et al, 2016 [127] Seasonal model and a null model Seasonality explained the searches significantly better with an F-test
15 Phelan et al, 2016 [133] Correlograms (autocorrelations plots) Visual interpretation for exploring seasonal peaks
16 Plante and Ingram, 2014 [134] Cosinor analysis To test the seasonal variation of the normalized Google Trends data

Rossignol et al, 2013 [67] Mann-Whitney U test; Harmonic Product Spectrum Comparison of summer vs winter hits; evaluation of seasonality
18 Seifter et al, 2010 [66] Visual evidence N/A
19 Sentana-Lledo et al, 2016 [138] Cosinor analysis To test the seasonal variations of the Google Trends data
20 Takada, 2012 [139] Visual evidence N/A
21 Telfer and Woodburn, 2015 [140] Two-way Wilcoxon signed rank test To explore differences between winter and summer
22 Toosi and Kalia, 2015 [142] Visual evidence; cosinor analysis To identify differences in seasonality between countries
23 Willson et al, 2015 [86] Visual evidence N/A
24 Zhang et al, 2015 [71] Periodograms; ideal pass filter To study the periodograms; to extract seasonal components

aN/A: not applicable.