不同病理类型肺癌行C-ROSE所见镜下形态学特征(迪夫快速染色方法,×400)。A:鳞状细胞癌:大部分肿瘤细胞呈粘附紧密的大细胞簇、癌细胞及胞核形态畸形明显、背景示肿瘤性坏死明显(> 50%);B:腺癌:部分肿瘤细胞呈粘附紧密的小/中等细胞簇、癌细胞较大且胞浆较丰富、核仁大而清楚;C:小细胞未分化癌:肿瘤细胞体积相对较小、核/浆比高甚至呈裸核、以单个散在分布的肿瘤细胞为主。
Classificatory morphologic characteristics of lung cancer with c-rose under microscope (Diff-Quik stain, ×400). A: Squamous carcinoma cells: Most of the tumor cells show large clusters of closely adhered cells, with obviously abnormal morphology and nucleus, and tumor necrosis is obvious in the background (> 50%); B: Adenocarcinoma cells: The cells show small clusters of tightly adhered cells, with large cancer cells, abundant cytoplasm, large and clear nucleolus; C: Small cell lung cancer: Tumor cells are relatively small, mainly with single scattered tumor cells, with a high nuclear/plasma ratio, even just bare nucleus.