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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Nov 21.
Published in final edited form as: J Learn Disabil. 2018 May 21;51(6):612–624. doi: 10.1177/0022219418775110

Table 2.

Description of Interventions.

Study  Measures
Coyne, Little, et al. (2013)
T (ERI): Instruction in PA and writing and spelling with previously taught phonics skills
C (Harcourt Trophies): Typical school intervention using phonics, guided reading, and PA
WRMT/NU (letter name and sound checklists, WA, WID), PPVT, DIBELS (PSF and NWF), CTOPP (Sound Matching, Blending Words)
Coyne, Simmons, et al. (2013)
T1 (ERI): Instruction in PA, writing, and spelling with previously taught phonics skills
T2 (ERI with adjustments): Implemented ERI but used in-program assessments to measure mastery then systematically target specific skills, regrouped students, and made instructional changes
WRMT/NU (Letter Identification, WA, Letter Sound Checklist, PC), PPVT-III, CTOPP (Sound Matching, Blending Words), DIBELS (PSF, NWF, ORF), Test of Written Spelling
Denton et al. (2010)
T (responsive reading instruction): Instruction in PA, phonics, WR, fluency, and comprehension
C (typical school practice): Typical reading instruction
WJ-III (LWID, WA, PC, Spelling), CTOPP (Blending Words, Segmenting Words), TOWRE (SWE, PDE), Comprehensive Monitoring of Early Reading Skills (ORF)
Fein et al. (2015)
T (Tier 2 intervention): Instruction in PA, phonics/WR, and fluency
C (business as usual): Standard district program
DIBELS (NWF, ORF), WRMT (Basic Skills Cluster, Total Reading), SAT 10
Foorman et al. (1997)
T1 (synthetic phonics): based on Orton-Gillingham approach; multisensory instruction in PA and phonics
T2 (analytic phonics): scripted instruction in phonics and fluency
T3 (Edmark reading program): Instruction in WR, fluency, and spelling
Orthographic processing, phonological analysis, and word Reading
Gunn, Biglan, Smolkowski, and Ary (2000)
T (reading mastery or corrective reading): Explicit instruction in PA, letter-sound correspondence, and blending; students placed based on reading level
C (Control): No supplemental instruction
WJ-R ACH (WA, LWID, PC, Reading Vocabulary), DIBELS (ORF)
Hagan-Burke et al. (2011)
T (explicit, systematic, code-based instruction): Instruction in PA, writing and spelling (school-designated instruction): Typical school instruction
CTOPP (Sound Matching, Blending Words), WRMT-R (Letter Name Checklist, Letter Sound Checklist, WA, WID)
Harn, Linan-Thompson, and Roberts (2008)
T1 (less intensive intervention): Instruction in phonics and WR, fluency, passage reading, and comprehension; 30-minute sessions
T2 (more intensive intervention): Instruction in phonics and WR, fluency, passage reading, and comprehension; 60-minute sessions
Hatcher et al. (2006)
T1 (modified sound-linkage reading intervention): Group instruction in letter ID, PA, and writing; individual instruction in phonics and fluency for 20 weeks
T2 (modified sound-linkage reading intervention): Group instruction in letter identification, PA, and writing; individual instruction in phonics and fluency for 10 weeks
British Picture Vocabulary Test, Phonological Abilities Test, Sound Linkage Test of Phonological Awareness, Letter Identification, Early Word Recognition Test, British Ability Scales, Word Reading Test
Jenkins, Peyton, Sanders, and Vadasy (2004)
T1 (sound partners–more decodable texts): Instruction in PA, phonics, WR, and spelling using more decodable texts
T2 (sound partners–less decodable Texts): Instruction in PA, phonics, WR, and spelling using less decodable texts
C (typical practice): Typical classroom instruction
PPVT-R, CTOPP (RLN, NWR), Yopp-Singer Segmentation test, Modified Rosner’s deletion test;,WRMT-R (WA), Diagnostic Test of Basic Decoding Skills, WRAT-R (Reading, Spelling), WRMT-R (WID), TOWRE, Phonetically controlled passage (fluency, accuracy),a Non- phonetically controlled passage (fluency, accuracy)a
Little et al. (2012)
T (ERI): Instruction in PA and writing and spelling with previously taught phonics skills; student progress assessed every 4 weeks to determine adequate progress and make adjustments
C (school-designated instruction): Typical school instruction
DIBELS (PSF, NWF, ORF), WRMT-R (Letter Name and Sounds checklist, WID, WA, Letter ID), PPVT-III, CTOPP (Sound Matching, Blending Words), Test of Written Spelling-4
Mathes et al. (2005)
T1 (proactive reading): Explicit instruction in phonics/WR (in isolation), fluency, and comprehension
T2 (reactive reading): Instruction in phonics/WR (not in isolation), fluency, and comprehension
C (enhanced instruction): Teachers were given progress monitoring data and trained to use data to inform their typical instruction
WJ-III (WA, WID, PC, Spelling, Reading Fluency), CRAB-R (Fluency, Comprehension)
Miller (2003)
T1 (partner in reading): Instruction in phonics/WR and comprehension
T2 (Reading Recovery): Instruction in phonics/WR and comprehension
C (school-designated instruction): Typical classroom instruction
Metropolitan Achievement Test (Word Recognition, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Language)
Morris, Tyner, and Perney (2000)
T (Early Steps): Instruction in phonics/WR, fluency, and comprehension
C (school-designated instruction): Typical classroom instruction
WRMT (WA, PC), Word Recognition,a Spelling,a Passage Readinga
Santa and Hoien (1999)
T (Early Steps): Instruction in phonics/WR, fluency, and comprehension
C (school-designated instruction): Typical classroom instruction
Spelling,a Word Recognition,a Early Steps Passage Reading
Schneider, Roth, and Ennemoser (2000)
T1 (PA training): Instruction in PA and phonics/WR
T2 (PA and letter sound training): Instruction in PA and phonics/WR
T3 (letter sound training): Instruction in letter sound correspondence
Lundberg and Wimmer Metalinguistic Battery (Initial Sound Analysis, Identification of End Sounds, New phoneme Analysis, Word Length Analysis, Supply of Initial Consonant, Vowel Substitution), Wurzburger Leise Leseprobe test, Weingartener Basic Vocabulary Spelling Test: Diagnostic Spelling Test for Second Graders
Simmons et al. (2007)
T1 (highly specified design): Systematic instruction in PA, phonics, writing, and spelling
T2 (highly specified design + intervention): Systematic instruction in PA, phonics, writing, and spelling with instruction in comprehension
T3 (moderately specified design): Instruction in PA, phonics, writing, and spelling
PPVT, DIBELS (Letter Name Fluency, PSF, NWF), Tangel & Blachman Spelling Test, Yopp Singer Test (Phoneme Segmentation), WRMT-R (WA, WID), Letter Dictation Fluency
Simmons et al. (2011)
T (ERI): Instruction in PA and writing and spelling with previously taught phonics skills
C (school-designated instruction): Typical Kindergarten instruction
WRMT-R/NU (WID, Letter Name Checklist, Letter Sound Checklist, PC), DIBELS (NWF, PSF), Test of Written Spelling-4, TOWRE (PDE, SWE), CTOPP (Sound Matching, Blending Words)
Torgesen et al. (1999)
T1 (PA plus synthetic phonics): Explicit instruction in phonics and PA
T2 (embedded phonics): Less intensive phonics instruction
T3 (regular classroom support): Individual tutoring based on regular classroom instruction
C (no treatment): No additional tutoring
WRMT (WA, WID, PC), WRAT (Spelling), GORT- III (Comprehension), Developmental Spelling WJPB Calculation
Torgesen, Wagner, Rashotte, Herron, and Lindamood (2010)
T1 (Read, Write, and Type): Direct instruction in PA and phonics/WR with computer practice
T2 (Lindamood phoneme sequencing program): Direct instruction in PA and phonics/WR with computer practice
C (no treatment): No additional instruction
WRMT (WID, WA, PC), TOWRE (SWE, PDE), GORT- III (Reading Accuracy, Text Reading Fluency), CTOPP (BW, Segmenting Words, Rapid Naming Digits and Letters), Developmental Spelling Analysis, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale 4th edition (Vocabulary), WRAT (Spelling)
Vadasy, Sanders, and Peyton (2005)
T1 (reading practice): Intervention time split between instruction in phonics/WR and fluency
T2 (word study): Entire intervention time spent on phonics/WR
C (school-designated instruction) Typical classroom instruction
WRMT-R/NU (WA, WID, PC), WRAT-R (Reading, Spelling), TOWRE (PDE, SWE), Passage Reading Fluency, Passage Reading Accuracy
Vadasy, Jenkins, Antil, Wayne, and O’Connor (1997)
T (intervention): Instruction in PA, phonics/WR, and fluency
C (school designated instruction): Typical classroom instruction
Analytical Reading Inventory, Dolch Word Recognition Test, WRAT-R (Reading, Spelling), WJ-R (WA, WID), Yopp-Singer Segmentation Task, Writing Sample, Bryant Pseudo-Word Test
Vadasy, Sanders, Peyton, and Jenkins (2002)
T1 (sound partners and thinking partners): Instruction in PA, phonics/WR, fluency, and comprehension
T2 (thinking partners): Instruction in comprehension
C (school-designated instruction): Typical classroom instruction
WRAT-R (Reading, Spelling), WRMT (WID, WA), TOWRE (PDE, SWE), Read Naturally Comprehension,a Informal Reading Inventory
Vaughn et al. (2006)
T (reading and language development intervention): Instruction in PA, phonics/WR, fluency, oral language/vocabulary, and comprehension
C (school-designated instruction): Typical classroom instruction
WLPB-R (Picture Vocabulary, Verbal Analogies, Memory for Sentences, Oral Language Composite, WA, Dictation, PC), DIBELS (Letter Name Identification, ORF, Letter Sound Identification), CTOPP (RLN, NWR)
Wang and Algozzine (2008)
T (supplemental targeted intervention): Direct instruction in PA, phonics/WR, and fluency
C (school-designated instruction): Typical classroom instruction

Note. T = treatment; C = comparison; ERI = early reading intervention; CRAB-R = Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Battery Revised for First-Grade; CTOPP = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing; DIBELS = Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills; GORT-III = Gray Oral Reading Test III; LWID = Letter Word Identification; NWF = Nonsense Word Fluency; NWR = Non-word Repetition task; ORF = Oral Reading Fluency; PA = phonological awareness; PC = Passage Comprehension; PSF = Phoneme Segmentation Fluency; SWE = Sight Word Efficiency; PDE = Phonemic Decoding Efficiency; PPVT = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; RLN = Rapid Letter Naming, SAT 10 = Stanford Achievement Test–10th edition; TOWRE = Test of Word Reading Efficiency; WA = Word Attack; WID = Word Identification; WJ-III = Woodcock Johnson III; WJPB = Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery; WJ-R = Woodcock Johnson-Revised; WJ-R ACH = Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement; WLPB-R = Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery–Revised; WMRT/NU = Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests–Revised/Normative Update; WR = word recognition; WRMT = Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests; WRMT-R = Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests–Revised.


Unstandardized measure.