Figure 7.
Quantitative analysis for ‘adhered particles per unit surface area’ at 5 min, 15 min and 30 min time point obtained from image analysis for experiments carried out at estimated wall shear stress (τW) value of 30−2; In absence of RBCs in flow (i.e. flow in PBS with 0% RBC), nano-scale and micro-scale particles of all shapes show high levels of wall adhesion over time although there are some variabilities in-between the different particle shapes and sizes; In presence of RBCs (0.4 HCT) in flow, majority of nano-scale particles (except for 500 nm diameter oblate ellipsoids) show substantially reduced adhesion at the wall; For micro-scale particles, the 2 µm ESD oblate and rod shaped particles are found to still maintain high levels adhesion at the wall even in the presence of RBCs in flow.